Before starting a major kitchen sink plumbing project, it’s important to make some special considerations to avoid kitchen sink plumbing problems San Francisco homeowners often run into. To help you out, we’ve put together these tips for avoiding kitchen sink plumbing problems San Francisco homeowners can use before they start their project to make sure it doesn’t go awry.

Remember, if you feel overwhelmed at any point as you prepare for your project, our team of fully licensed plumbing professionals is happy to head over and help you out with just a quick phone call or email. Replacing your kitchen sink or parts of it can make a big difference in the beauty, appearance, and functionality of your home, but getting it wrong can have equally impactful results in a negative way.

Tip 1: Ensure the Old Hole is Covered by the New Sink
It may seem intuitive, but many people actually forget to check this or don’t check it thoroughly enough. You don’t want to simply eyeball it. If the new sink is too small, it will leave unsightly gaps that might even threaten to let water spill into.

When measuring the space for the sink, be sure to check to edges of the frame from the bottom. Many contractors will make the edges cornered because it’s simpler and easier, but if you buy a rounded sink, it may result in gaps.

Tip 2: Inspect the Surrounding Area for Water Stains
It’s normal to have a little water damage and it won’t be prohibitive to installing your new sink, but severe swelling will block the new sink from sitting flush on the countertop. If there is particleboard that has been water damaged for a prolonged period of time, it may also become weakened and be unable to act as a solid base for the clips that fasten the sink to the counter. You may need to replace some additional parts if you find such cases of water damage.

Tip 3: Check the Depth of the Tailpiece
Many people attempt to upgrade their sink by choosing a deeper sink, but it’s important to make sure it doesn’t hang too low – otherwise, it may not drain properly and you may need to lower the sanitary tee connection in the drain line inside the wall. As you can probably tell from the way it sounds, it’s additional work that you probably want to avoid if possible.

For the old sink, take a moment to measure the sink tailpiece between the basket strainer and the tee, which represents the extra depth which can be added to the sink bowl without running into the problem with drainage mentioned above. Avoid exceeding or getting too close to this measurement with your new sink selection if possible.

Tip 4: Use the Correct Sealant for the Job
It’s strongly recommended to use a silicone caulk instead of things like plumber’s putty, which can dry out, crack, and cause leaks. Plumber’s putty can even cause damage to some plastics, like those used to make sinks. Using a kitchen-and-bath, 100% silicone product that requires a solvent to remove is the way to go. You’ll want to apply a bead around the sink opening when the sink is being set, and another application around the drain opening during setting of the disposer drain and basket strainer. Remember to wipe away any excess caulk to keep things clean.

Tip 5: Need Help? Call a Licensed Plumbing Professional
Feeling overwhelmed or simply need a little professional help? Remember, our team of experienced plumbers is just a quick phone call or email away, and is happy to help out. Plumbing is our passion, so don’t hesitate to give us a call and we’ll be happy to take a look at your kitchen sink plumbing project and help out in any way we can.