Having plumbing issues can turn into a nightmare that no homeowner wants to deal with, which is why many of our customers come to us in search of help finding plumbing San Mateo residents can be sure will clear things up quickly. If you’re in need of plumbing San Mateo homeowners can rely on, read these tips so you know how to pick the right plumber for your plumbing needs.

Of course, we’d love it if you simply chose us right away, but we’re happy to explain the criteria for selecting a good plumber because we’re confident that once you understand how to evaluate a plumbing company, you’ll see why we’re such a trusted name for plumbing in the San Mateo area.

Reviews and Recommendations
The best place to start is by looking at a plumbing company’s reviews and recommendations online. At Performance Plumbing, we work hard to keep our customer feedback ratings high and the results are clear. One look at our Yelp page shows scores of happy customers with positive stories. Don’t go with a plumber with low ratings – it’s surely a sign that they’re not interested in improving their track record in customer satisfaction.

Confirm Their License and Proficiency
At Performance Plumbing, we’re proud to be a fully licensed plumber, so we strongly recommend you simply double check that the plumber you choose is licensed – never go with anything less, as they may not be serious about their line of work, or aren’t focused on plumbing specifically. Any plumber that’s serious about plumbing will definitely have a license. Another good way to test professional proficiency is to see if the plumber can demonstrate their professional knowledge as a plumbing specialist. For example, our team publishes articles to this blog to help share our knowledge with our neighbors to help enlighten everyone about the details of plumbing, common problems and how solutions work. You’re the customer, so you should expect answers to any questions you may have. If the plumber can’t answer your questions, it’s probably a bad sign. Instead, turn to a plumber like Perfomance Plumbing who will be happy to patiently answer all of your questions.

Get an Estimate
A good, solid plumber will always be happy to provide you with an estimate, because once they identify the problem, they’ll know exactly how to fix it and what steps will need to be taken to perform the fix. As part of this process, the plumber should be able to explain to you in detail exactly how they plan to fix your plumbing problem, so it should be clear that they know what they’re talking about. Remember that at Performance Plumbing, we’re always happy to provide free estimates for any job we get called to, because we believe in providing our customers with as much information as possible up front.

Your plumbing is a serious part of your home’s infrastructure, and can really be a headache when not addressed properly. We hope you’ll spare yourself continued headaches by trying the tips above when you search for your next plumber. Remember that our team of professional plumbers is standing by and ready to answer any questions you have or send help as soon as possible – simply give us a call or email today and our friendly team will get you the help you need!