For some people, the bathroom is a functional facility in their home that they simply need to have working smoothly and effectively, but for others it’s a place of relaxation and retreat that helps relieve the stresses of daily life. Regardless of what you want out of your bathroom, it’s important to know all of the ins and outs of what makes for good bathroom plumbing in Redwood City. As one of the most trusted names in bathroom plumbing in Redwood City, we’ve put together these quick tips to make sure all of our neighbors in the area get their plumbing needs fully met.

Quick Fix, or Home Improvement Project?
First, decide on the scope of your needs. Are you looking for simply a quick fix, or do you need a more elaborate project that will help bring new life to your bathroom?

If you need a quick fix, a good plumber like Performance Plumbing can provide 24 hour emergency service if it’s urgent, or timely response for non-urgent fixes. In any case, make sure the plumber can respond immediately if it’s a crisis or at least the same day if it’s not an emergency. Remember – when it comes to plumbing, even the smallest leak can become a big headache if left unfixed, so time is of the essence.

If you’re looking to get a home improvement project done or think more work will be involved, do some research ahead of time. Check out websites like Pinterest, where people showcase what they find as inspiration home improvement plumbing work, including everything from lighting fixtures to bathtubs, showers, and much more.

In addition, you can simply do a Google image search for what you’re looking for or check out real estate websites like Trulia or Redfin. Look to collect some photos of what you like, and have them ready to show the plumber to convey what you’re aiming for. This should really help clearly illustrate to them what your preferences are.

Make Sure You Get the Right Help
Possibly the most important aspect of getting your bathroom plumbing needs met is choosing the right plumber to help you for the job.

For any plumber that you’re considering, it’s important to check to make sure they’re a fully licensed plumbing team like our staff at Performance Plumbing.

In addition, take a close look at their Yelp profile and possibly other customer review websites. If they’re a quality plumber like Performance Plumbing, they’ll have a strong overall rating and strong customer comments, just like we do.

Don’t settle for anything less – a bad plumber can lead to undetected problems that can grow into major issues later in the future.

Ask For a Breakdown of All the Costs and Labor Up Front
Before any work begins, ask the plumber for a full breakdown of all the costs and labor up front, so that you know exactly what you’re getting into. A good plumber like Performance Plumbing will be happy to provide a fully transparent estimate up front that outlines all the costs, with no obligation until you’re comfortable with proceeding.

If you’re ready to get started with tackling your bathroom plumbing needs, remember that our friendly staff of plumbing professionals is always happy to help! Simply give us a call or send us an email and we’ll get you pointed in the right way, right away!