One of the more complicated plumbing installations you’ll probably need to do on your property, it’s important to make the right choices when it comes to water heater installation for your Palo Alto property. To help, this quick guide to water heater installation in Palo Alto will help explain all the basics that you need to know before you get started.

As you read on, remember that our team of professional plumbers is more than happy to answer any specific questions that you may still have — we’re only a quick phone call or email away, and really enjoy helping people out with their plumbing projects.

Some Projects You Can Do Yourself — This Probably Isn’t One of Them
We actually find it really cool when some customers are able to do some property improvement projects on their own, however a water heater installation project is probably not one you’ll want to do alone. These projects tend to be more complex, often involving some combination of gas, electrical, ventilation and of course plumbing work. We find that very few local residents are trained and experienced enough to successfully see through a water heater installation project, and an even smaller percentage of those folks are capable of doing it smoothly without major headaches. Using a professional plumbing like Performance Plumbing can help you make sure the job gets done right the first time and holds up over time, all while saving you hours of work and taking the burden off your shoulders.

Know the Costs and Get a Quote Up Front
As with any home improvement project, it’s important to understand the typical costs involved in a water heater installation project, and also to get an honest quote up front from a professional before any installation work is started. Water heater installation projects can range dramatically based on factors like what equipment you already have, what price range of equipment you decide to purchase and install, and more. As a result, typical water heater installation projects can range from as low as $700 to $2,500 and in some rarer cases can go higher (more on this later). So as you can see, the price can vary greatly, so it’s important for both you and the plumber to do an obligation-free quote first to make sure both parties are comfortable with the costs and labor involved. A solid plumber like Performance Plumbing will be happy to give you a free quote up front and may even be able to suggest ways to reduce cost on the project if needed.

Know Your Options for Water Heaters
When it comes to water heaters on the market, there are many options. If you know what you want already, that’s great — but many customers need help with recommendations from their plumber. An experienced professional like Performance Plumbing will be happy to help explain different models and units that can work for your home, and their pros and cons to help you decide which is right for you. For customers concerned about the environment, there are also energy-efficient, on-demand models available, but some of these can be costly to install because they can require special ventilation work and a dedicated gas line. Ask your plumber for more information if you’re interested.

Go with a Pro
Water heater installation projects are a big endeavor — we recommend going with a professional plumbing expert like Performance Plumbing, who has a stellar online reputation for customer satisfaction. Give us a call or send us an email today to find out why we’re the best choice around, or if you simply have more questions that need to be answered. We’re always happy to help!