For most of our customers who are in the market for a new toilet, many people aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to planning a Redwood City toilet installation. Fear not – as one of the leading names in Redwood City toilet installation work, our team is always happy to shed some light on the process.

Our team of plumbing experts has put together this set of must-know tips that you can employ to ensure your toilet installation goes as smoothly as possible.

Tip #1: Not all toilets are the same, know the differences

Sure, it’s tempting to just go with a toilet that looks like it can get the job done, but toilets are actually far more complex than that.

For example, consider size. Not just the size of the toilet seat and how comfortable it will be for the people who use it, but also the size it occupies in relation to your overall bathroom. If you have a smaller bathroom, you may want or frankly need to go with a smaller toilet simply due to the surrounding environment.

Another aspect to consider is materials – some people hate plastic, while others abhor wooden seats. Everyone has their preferences, and sometimes people don’t even have a choice – for example, an ergonomic design could be a must-have for some folks who have special physical attributes or disabilities.

Tip #2: Consider function

Many people get so caught up in the look and feel of the toilets they browse that they forget to consider the actual functionality of the product.

Far too many simply assume that all toilets will get the job done to approximately the same level of proficiency, however anyone who has experienced a sub-optimal toilet can tell you this is definitely not the case.

Do a quick online search for flush performance of different toilet models you’re considering and look at product reviews online. Learn from the mistakes and hardships of others by avoiding any toilets that have poor flush ratings or too many negative customer reviews.

Tip #3: Get professional advice and help

No matter what, we strongly recommend getting professional advice and help from a professional plumber like our team at Performance Plumbing.

If you’re feeling daunted by all the necessary research that goes into a toilet installation project, you can simply offshore this responsibility to a team like ours at no additional cost. Since we’ve performed so many successful toilet installations over the years, we’re already familiar with all the products on the market and how they can meet your needs. This can vasty simplify and speed up the process for anyone who doesn’t want to research toilets all day, or if you prefer to do your own research we can serve as a professional advisor to bounce ideas off of.

Remember that not all help is the same – make sure you only seek help from fully licensed and insured plumbers like our team, as this can help put in place additional safeguards to ensure your project goes smoothly.

Tip #4: Ask for a quote up front

Once you’ve decided you want to move forward with professional help in performing the toilet installation, be sure to get a quote up front. You should expect this quote to be free and have no strings attached, and any elite plumber will provide a no-cost, obligation-free estimate up front like our team does at Performance Plumbing. If you’re ready to get started, just give us a call or send us an email and our friendly experts will help you out right away!