For the average household or office, local plumbing repair can be a vague and confusing market to navigate. But we believe local plumbing repair shouldn’t be a mystery, which is why we’ve provided a quick guide to local plumbing repair for Bay Area residents and businesses.

The best course of action in an emergency or for a complex plumbing project is to always call expert professionals like Performance Plumbing, but many people are unsure of how to choose the right plumber for their plumbing needs. Here’s a quick list that we hope will help you out – if you find it useful, be sure to print it out and keep it handy for plumbing emergencies or share it with your friends via email, Facebook, or other means:

1. Make sure the plumbing company has a plumbing license. This is the most basic of rules when it comes to selecting a good plumber, and it goes without saying that you don’t want someone working on your plumbing system if they don’t know what they’re doing. A proper license proves they have training to protect you from bigger problems. At Performance Plumbing, we hold California Contractor License # 841080 so that our customers can rest assured that we’re fully licensed.

2. Find references or online reviews. In the age of online review websites like Yelp, word-of-mouth references are as important as ever and have never been more easy to access. Tap into the experiences and opinions of other homeowners or business owners and find out what they think about the plumbers before you move ahead with their services. We’re proud to say that Performance Plumbing has some of the most solid Yelp reviews and ratings around, which is why we aren’t afraid to suggest you get some opinions about us before choosing us for your plumbing needs.

3. Make sure you get a flat, fixed quote for the job. Most jobs shouldn’t be billed hourly, which would expose you to runaway costs. Companies like Performance Plumbing should provide free estimates and evaluations based on a thorough assessment of the issue at hand, whether it’s a repair or an installation.

4. Make sure the plumber is experienced. Not only should the plumbing company have at least several years of experience, they should also be very knowledgeable on a wide range of plumbing issues – especially yours! Ask them questions about your plumbing issues and see if they can give a good, informative response. They may need to visually see the problem before truly providing a good assessment, but in any case they should be able to demonstrate proficiency gained through experience with similar cases. This is precisely why we at Performance Plumbing always take the time to explain plumbing issues and their solutions to our customers, so that they know we have the training and experience necessary to truly tackle the job as proficiently as possible.

While many people are unsure how to choose a plumber for local plumbing repair services, we hope these four points can help you make your decision. Be sure to share this blog post with your friends to help them make an informed decision as well – we hate to see people make the wrong choice when it comes to something as important do daily life as plumbing. Remember that no matter how big or small your plumbing needs are, we’re always here to help. Whether you’re doing basic kitchen remodeling or a more complex project like water recycling, we’ve got the credentials and experience to see your job

through to success. Give us a call and we’ll help you get your plumbing needs fixed as quickly and thoroughly as possible!