Whether you’re having old chronic problems with your plumbing or have a sudden plumbing emergency, finding the right help for your San Jose plumbing repairs is key. Not all San Jose plumbing repairs are the same, just as not all San Jose plumbers are the same, so it’s important that you choose carefully.

To help you make the best choice for your plumbing repair needs, our team of plumbing experts has put together this quick guide to get you pointed in the right direction.

First, Decide if It’s a Plumbing Emergency
Obviously, in the rare event that anyone is at risk of death or injury you should call 911, otherwise you should decide if you plumber repair needs require fast attention or if they can wait a while.

Many times, plumbing problems arise suddenly or unexpectedly, resulting in what many people all a “plumbing emergency” at the property. In such cases, you’ll want to make sure the plumber you’re considering can provide 24-hour plumbing emergency repair services, like our team at Performance Plumbing provides. Not all plumbers provide this, so it’s important to check and confirm they can go to your location quickly to handle the repairs sooner rather than later ‒ especially if leaving it unaddressed could lead to further water damage.

Find a Plumber With a Strong Reputation
After you’ve identified one or a few plumbers who have emergency plumbing services that fit your needs, make sure you narrow down your list to only plumbers who have a strong reputation, like ours at Performance Plumbing.

How can you know? One easy way is to look online at their company page on websites like Yelp. A strong team like ours will have a solid overall rating with specific comments about specific work. If you have time, try looking for comments that relate to plumbing repairs specifically.

Some plumbers might be good at things like sink installations, but could be terrible at diagnosing and repairing problems or simply showing up in a timely manner. Doing research around specific aspects of the plumbing services that the plumber provides can help weed out plumbers who specialize in areas other than plumbing repair.

Make Sure They’ve Done Similar Repairs in the Past
Similar to checking for specific reviews about the same repairs, you should directly as the plumber you’re considering if they’ve done similar repairs in the past. Even if they haven’t, they should be able to at least talk through the process and describe to you exactly what they’ll need to do to ensure the plumbing repair projects goes smoothly and successfully.

Make Sure They Have a Professional License
Far too many people make checking for a professional license an afterthought or non-factor. Unfortunately, these people often get into trouble with temporary workers who are uninsured and unlicensed, so if there’s no protection for the customer if anything goes wrong.

Instead, pick a fully licensed plumbing company, like Performance Plumbing, who can help safeguard you against unprofessional laborers who may introduce more risk into the project than should be accepted.

Ask for a Free Estimate Before Work Starts
Before the plumber starts working on the repairs, make sure that you ask for a free estimate up front without any fees. A good plumbing repair company like Performance Plumbing will always be happy to give you a quote up front before any work begins or anyone gets paid.

Ready to get started or simply have a few more questions to be answered, give us a call or send us an email and our team of friendly plumbing repair experts will be happy to get you the help you need.