When it comes to plumbing, quality matters! Choose carefully when you look for your next Cupertino plumber. This guide to how to find the right Cupertino plumber for your plumbing project will make things easier for you by explaining everything you need to know before you make your decision.

While our team of plumbing experts has put together this guide to help you through the process, keep in mind that our friendly team is also very happy to directly answer your questions and explain things to you, so don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be glad to help you out as quickly as possible.

Choose a Plumber With Strong Online Customer Reviews
Customer satisfaction is the bottom line with any service-based company. At the end of the day, the most important part of plumbing is simply making sure the customer’s plumbing needs are met and they’re happily satisfied. At Performance Plumbing, we’re proud of our strong reputation online that can be seen on customer review websites like Yelp, so we suggest you choose nothing less. Any plumber with too many negative reviews on Yelp may not take your plumbing job as seriously as they should, so choose a plumber who has proven that they’ve completed countless plumbing jobs to the highest standard possible in the past.

Be Sure the Plumber is a Licensed Professional
Credentials like licenses are more than just a piece of paper that’s been printed out. A plumbing license can only be earned if the plumber has leveraged their knowledge and experience to prove that they’re fully competent at the specific craft of plumbing. A handyman who takes on all kinds of jobs and never gets a full plumbing license is likely not focused on plumbing specifically, and therefore may have less focused knowledge and experience with plumbing.

Choosing a licensed plumber means all plumbing with be fixed or installed to current code, whereas an unlicensed worker may introduce additional risk. For example, an unlicensed worker may incorrectly install equipment like water heaters, which could lead to problems with gas and electricity dangers later in the future.

In fact, you may even need to tear up unlicensed work and rebuild it by a licensed pro later. Reduce risk and make sure the job gets done the right way the first time by hiring a fully licensed plumbing pro.

Make Sure the Plumber has Relevant Past Experience
Experience matters when it comes to plumbing, and it counts even more if it’s relevant to the specific plumbing needs you have. For example, if you need to have a toilet installed, it probably doesn’t matter how many sprinkler systems the plumber you’re considering has fixed in the past. Make sure you don’t just choose an experienced plumber, but ask them if they’ve worked on similar plumbing projects in the past that demonstrate they’ve previously successfully completed the work you need done. This will prepare them for any roadblocks and speed up the process with less time figuring out how things work on the job.

Choose a Plumber Who Demonstrates Knowledge and Professionalism
Most people aren’t experts in plumbing, so it’s important that you feel comfortable with what work will be taking place before it begins. Ask as many questions as you’d like — a friendly, professional plumber like Performance Plumbing will be happy to explain the entire process to you before work begins, and will even provide a work and cost estimate up front if needed. Choose a plumber who is willing to spend the time to make sure you feel comfortable with the work before it starts.