When it comes to improving the value and comfort of your home, one of the best ways to make a real change is with a successful San Francisco shower installation. Find the right plumber to help with your San Francisco shower installation is a key part of this process, so our team of plumbing experts has written this quick guide to help you make the best choice for your project.

Pick a Plumber with Local Experience
When you start your search for a plumber to help you with your shower installation project, make sure you look for a plumber who is either based in San Francisco or has a lot of experience in the local area.

We’re not saying this simply because we’re a San Francisco based plumbing team ‒ it really makes a difference. Buildings in San Francisco are very different from what you’d encounter in a general suburb like other parts of the Bay Area.

San Francisco has a blend of everything from ultra modern condo skyscrapers to old rustic homes built on a unique landscape, so it’s important to pick a plumber who is comfortable working with these various types of structures to install showers.

Look for a Professional License
Every now and then, we hear of customers who tried freelancers or temporary laborers to do a shower installation and they often regret it. In addition, if unlicensed workers do a poor job, there’s rarely a chance to get a refund or have insurance cover any damages which may occur due to poor workmanship.

Instead, look for a professional license and make sure the plumber is insured ‒ there’s just no reason to risk not having these professional safety measures in place for your shower installation investment.

Avoid Plumbers Who Have a “Leaky” Reputation
Pardon the pun, but you’ll want to avoid anyone with a leaky reputation ‒ choose only plumbers with a solid background.

This can be as simple as checking their Yelp page. A strong plumbing team like ours at Performance Plumbing will have a high overall rating as well as strong supporting individual comments.

Test Their Plumbing Knowledge
As you interview the plumber you’re considering, make sure you test their knowledge of plumbing to see if they seem well-versed in the process.

Some plumbers might have high ratings online for quick fixes or basic plumbing updates, but a shower installation is a pretty involved project that requires significant planning and thoughtful craftsmanship.

Before you move ahead with the plumber, ask them to describe their process and how they would set up the shower. Ask them what they think about what materials are best for the project, and if they’ve done or seen anything similar to what your vision is for the final outcome. A good plumber will be able to talk you through the process and answer any questions you might have.

Make Sure the Plumber Provides a Free Estimate
Before any work starts, you should expect to be able to get a free estimate of the time, labor and costs involved. You shouldn’t need to pay any fees for this.

If you’re ready to get started now or simply need more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. Our friendly plumbing pros will be happy to help you out!