For current homeowners and prospective home buyers alike, home plumbing inspections can be a crucial way to ensure the value of your property or purchase. Home plumbing inspections can reveal a wide range of problems that you’ll want to have addressed before signing off on a home purchase or sale, so be sure to have it completed before any deal is made. Remember that our friendly staff at Performance Plumbing has built a long-standing reputation for knowing the nitty-gritty details of plumbing, so you can trust us to complete a thorough, extensive home plumbing inspection with a professional report.

To help you better understand home plumbing inspections, we’ve put together some basic information to help explain the process to you. Be sure to share this post with your friends as it could also help them protect the value of their home or avoid the hidden dangers of purchasing an uninspected home.

Common Indicators of Problems Found in Home Plumbing Inspections
Of course leaks and drips are the most common issues you’ll find in a home plumbing inspection, but there are still yet other issues that can be uncovered. Discoloration can be a telltale sign of leaks at joints in plumbing systems, for example. Rings and washers can also show signs of leaking, corrosion and rust, as well as valves around the water heater. Rusty-colored water can also be a sign of old, galvanized pipe and possibly poor water pressure. A good home plumbing inspection will take all of these indicators and others into account to uncover potential problems. These indicators can reveal larger problems like mold or moisture seeping into areas where it shouldn’t be. Since these problems can reveal the need for complete re-plumbing in many cases, it is crucial to be diligent in checking for them. Check out this video for visual examples:

Areas That Home Plumbing Inspections Must Check
Remember that home plumbing inspections have several steps that need to be taken to conduct a thorough check, and it’s best to have a professional like Performance Plumbing go through the standard operating procedures to make sure all tests are performed properly. Here’s a brief outline of some areas that need to be checked:

  • Drainage pipes
  • P-traps
  • Supply pipe connections
  • Toilet supply lines
  • Dishwashers
  • Refrigerators
  • Ice Makers
  • Sinks
  • Bathtubs
  • Showers
  • Toilets
  • Faucets
  • Water pressure
  • Water quality
  • Basement drains
  • Outdoor house bibs
  • Check walls for stains
  • Crawl spaces
  • Water bill history

Checking all of the above areas is a good start for performing a home plumbing inspection. The person conducting the inspection will need to make sure water flows properly and at the proper pressure in different ways using different testing methods.

Hopefully these details will help you understand what needs to go into a home plumbing inspection before you have one performed. Remember that Performance Plumbing has conducted countless home plumbing inspections and would be happy to assist you, so be sure to call our team today if you need help with a home plumbing inspection. We’ll not only provide the most thorough inspection possible, we’ll also help provide you with all the necessary documentation so you can have an accurate evaluation of the plumbing system’s condition at the home.