Whether you’re opening a new restaurant or have an existing one, it’s important to know what you’re doing when looking for restaurant plumbing inspection Oakland business owners can rely on. We’ve put together this guide to restaurant plumbing inspection Oakland restaurant owners can educate themselves with because we want you to be as informed as possible before you have your inspection done.

Remember that if you ever have any questions about restaurant plumbing inspections at any point, our team of helpful plumbing experts is always happy to assist you – we’re just a simple email or phone call away, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.

Why You Need a Plumbing Inspection
Your customers and employees rely on your restaurant’s plumbing for cleanliness and producing quality food and beverages – safeguarding your plumbing system is crucial to protecting both patrons and workers. A faulty plumbing system puts everyone at risk, leading to the possibilities of being unable to wash hands and dishes, mold or mildew from leaks, and other plumbing-related problems. The last thing you want is an angry customer blaming you for unsanitary conditions, and negative reviews on Yelp for plumbing problems are threat to your business and a nightmare you don’t want to deal with. Making sure you have regular plumbing inspections for your restaurant is the best way to guarantee the integrity of your plumbing system while avoiding the headaches of plumbing problems going unaddressed.

What Does a Plumbing Inspection Consist Of?
During the plumbing inspection, a professional plumber will be sent to your restaurant to conduct a thorough inspection of your entire premises. Toilets, water heaters, sinks, sewer lines, faucets, sprinklers, and pretty much anything else plumbing related will be closely examined for leaks, breaks, mold, rust, or other problems. Before the plumbing inspection starts, the plumber should be able to show you a list of places he plans to inspect, as well as give you a quote up front. After the inspection is complete, you’ll be provided with a full list of all areas checked and their statuses, including any problem areas that need to be highlighted for attention.

How to Pick a Professional Plumbing Inspection Provider
Your restaurant is both your investment and your livelihood – for many families that own restaurants, it’s their main source of income. Since you put in so much effort and expense into your restaurant, it’s important to pick a professional who will treat your restaurant with the same respect it deserves. At Performance Plumbing, all of our plumbers are employed because of their hard work ethic, respect towards others, and professionalism, and we don’t recommend picking any plumbing company with any lower standard of quality. All of our plumbers have years of experience, and we make sure they’re always up to date on as much training as necessary to get the job done right. Always choose a plumber with experience and training, because these are the most important aspects that a successful plumbing company like ours will build around. In addition, we’re fully licensed, which is another important credential for your plumber to have.

We hope this guide to restaurant plumbing inspections can help you make the right choice to keep your restaurant’s plumbing system working as well as possible. Remember that we’re always here to help you ensure your restaurant’s plumbing needs are met, and we understand how many people depend on your plumbing system to be flawless. Give us a call today and we’ll be happy to help you with an information or work you may need.