Many people in our community who we talk to tell us they don’t know what a pre-purchase plumbing inspection means. To help demystify the plumbing world a bit for you, we’ve written this guide to pre-purchase plumbing inspection Cupertino residents all should know. If you like this guide to pre-purchase plumbing inspection Cupertino homeowners can use, please share it with your friends and family online so we can help keep everyone as informed as possible. Not knowing about this service can actually lead to costly plumbing headaches that could easily be avoided.

What is a Pre-purchase Plumbing Inspection?
Pre-purchase plumbing inspections are the process in which someone preparing to buy a home decides to hire a professional plumbing to conduct a full inspection of the home to determine the quality of the plumbing system. A pre-purchase plumbing inspection can reveal damage to the property that may not have otherwise been visible or obvious to the layperson, for example damage or blockages to pipes, hidden leaks, etc.

Why Would I Need a Pre-purchase Plumbing Inspection?
If you’re buying residential or commercial property that has plumbing, you should strongly consider getting a pre-purchase plumbing inspection done. It simply makes sense to safeguard your investment, because it helps authenticate the real value of the property. For example, if you buy a new home only to later discover pipes were leaking and causing extensive water damage and the whole system needed to be overhauled, the original infrastructure of the home probably wasn’t worth as much as you thought and you could have saved a great deal of money by uncovering these problems before purchasing the home along with it’s problems. Pre-purchase plumbing inspections are simply a smart way to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into and the actual value of the property, so that you can protect yourself against buying properties with plumbing nightmares. Buy property, not broken plumbing systems.

Who Can Perform a Pre-purchase Plumbing Inspection?
Typically you’ll want an experienced, certified plumbing expert like Performance Plumbing to conduct the pre-purchase plumbing inspection. The reason for this is simply that as full-time plumbing professionals, we’ve seen just about every plumbing problem so we know exactly where to look. In addition, who knows how routine inspections should be conducted, and our methodical approach allows us to check everything without missing a spot. Furthermore, if any problems are found, we can conveniently help you out in getting them fixed before the house changes hands, or later on if you decide to do repair after buying the property at a price your find fair (partially based on plumbing quality, no doubt).

Ready to get started with a pre-purchase plumbing inspection, or simply have additional questions? Give us a call and our friendly team at Performance Plumbing will be happy to clarify any areas of uncertainty for you, and when you’re ready to get the inspection done we can send someone over as soon as possible to help you out. Remember, a pre-purchase plumbing inspection is an important way to attain peace of mind and confidence in knowing the true value of the property you’re considering buying. Not getting this inspection done exposes you to unnecessary risk, so call us today if you’re considering purchasing such property.