For many of our customers who are looking to improve the value of their home or simply improve the day-to-day quality of life in their home, it’s top-of-mind to find the right Millbrae home improvement plumber for their needs. To help you make sure you get the most from your Millbrae home improvement plumber, our team of plumbing professionals has crafted this quick guide to get you pointed in the right direction.

Keep in mind that our friendly team of plumbing experts is always happy to hear from you, so if you find that you have any specific questions or need particular information, we’re just a quick call or email away!

Research and Prepare Examples of What you Like
Nowadays, finding examples of what you want your bathroom to look like is easier than ever. There are so many options for researching and finding examples – Google searches are just the beginning.

Of course, you can do quick Google image searches, however an even better way to browse is when you’re not sure exactly what words describe what you want, but you know what you like when you see it.

For this type of research, websites like Pinterest are perfect sources of inspiration. You can even use real estate websites like Trulia and Redfin as long as the homes you’re browsing are still up for sale. Remember to save the images onto your computer or take screenshots, because they may get taken down once the home is sold.

There are still other areas to find examples of what you personally like, such as home improvement forums and guides. You don’t need to spend a huge amount of time if you’re busy, but doing some basic research can really help you prepare to accurately convey your goals to the plumber you eventually work with.

Find a Plumber With a Strong Track Record
Perhaps most important is to select a strong plumber that you can trust to get the job done correctly. As a basic starting point, make sure the plumber has several years of experience and is fully licensed, like our team at Performance Plumbing.

In addition, check the plumber you’re considering on websites like Yelp, where customers will leave positive or negative reviews. A strong plumbing team like ours at Performance Plumbing will have a strong overall rating as well as specific supporting comments, so don’t settle for anything less.

Get a Free Estimate Beforehand
Before any work begins, make sure you request to have a free estimate of all the costs provided to you up front. Any plumber who refuses to do this may not be confident in their work or not fully understand what’s needed to get the job done.

At Performance Plumbing, we’re always happy to provide a free estimate up front, so we strongly recommend you request one every time.

Review Work Carefully
Once the work is completed, make sure you review everything carefully and make sure it’s what you were looking for. Compare it to what you originally were researching and see if it matches up to what you were expecting. While having realistic expectations is good, you’re also well within your rights to make sure you’re happy with the work overall.

If you’re ready to get started, we’re ready to help! Simply give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be happy to help you with your research and find examples of what will make your bathroom as superb as possible.