For many property owners in the Newark area, finding the right Newark home improvement plumber can make a huge difference. In fact, choosing a strong Newark home improvement plumber can add tens of thousands of dollars to your home at least, while also hugely improving the comfort of living at the home if it’s your primary residence.

As one of the top names in home improvement plumbing in the Newark area, our team has created this quick guide to get you pointed in the right direction. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions as you read on ‒ our team of expert plumbers is always happy to help.

Do Due Diligence on the Plumber
As you’re considering a plumber, do some solid research beforehand. Make sure the home improvement plumber has positive reviews on Yelp, and see if they have reviews related to home improvement plumbing projects and not only small plumbing fixes. Plumbing fixes and home improvement plumbing projects are different beasts ‒ home improvement plumbing requires far more advanced planning, purchasing of materials and expertise.

In addition, make sure you ask the plumber if they’ve successfully completed similar projects in the past and if they can describe them to you in detail. You may even want to ask for photos, although they might not have photos of every past project they’ve done.

Remember ‒ a strong home improvement plumber like our team at Performance Plumbing will always be able to demonstrate expert proficiency around your home improvement plumbing needs and will have a superb track record on customer review websites like Yelp.

Don’t Forget to Check for Professional Credentials
Don’t just go with any unlicensed laborer from the internet or off the street ‒ make sure the home improvement plumber you choose is an actual fully licensed plumber with insurance just in case anything unexpected happens. Any uninsured plumber is an immediate risk to everyone involved ‒ both you and them.

A professional license is also more than just a number ‒ it’s proof that the plumber has established a credible reputation with the state and doesn’t have any crazy criminal history.

Get a Free Estimate Up Front
Every good, legitimate plumber will be happy to give you a free estimate up front with no obligation to move forward. At Performance Plumbing, we always believe in maximum transparency so no one is surprised or disappointed later in the project, and we think you should expect nothing less.

Do Status Checks
As work is progressing, don’t be afraid to check in from time to time to see how things are going. While it’s generally good to let the plumber focus and concentrate on their work, that doesn’t mean you can’t occasionally pop by to ask for a status update. A good, transparent plumber like our team at Performance Plumbing will always be happy to give you an update on how things are going and how much progress has been made, as well as explain the process at every step along the way.

Ready to get started or simply have a few more details you’d like to get clarification around? Give us a call or send us an email and our friendly team of home improvement plumbing experts will be happy to get you all the help you need.