Whether you’re in charge at a home, apartment building, or office location — making sure you find the right services for water heater installation in San Mateo is extremely important. Successfully finding services for water heater installation San Mateo property owners can depend on can be the difference between a reliable, painless installation and a problematic, faulty installation.

To help our San Mateo customers make the right choice in this process, we’re put together this quick FAQ for water heater installation in San Mateo. If you find that you have more specific questions that aren’t answered here, don’t be afraid to give us a quick call or send us an email — our friendly staff of plumbing experts is always happy to help!

What Does a Water Heater Installation Job Typically Cost?
While costs can vary from project to project, installation generally costs between $700 and $2,500 at the time of writing this blog post. Of course prices can fluctuate, so don’t consider that a final number.

Also, as you can see the price range can vary fairly significantly. This is because there are many factors involved in a water heater installation project that can impact how much you need to spend, including what equipment you already have, what brand and model of equipment you want to install, and if there are local codes that need to be built to satisfy.

But don’t be afraid — a good plumber like Performance Plumbing will always give you an honest quote up front so you don’t need to worry about getting caught off guard by unexpected costs. We recommend you first call or email us for a quote, then decide if the cost fits your budget. In some cases, we may be able to suggest ways to reduce cost.

Can I Do the Water Heater Installation Myself?
In theory, yes you could do the water heater installation yourself — however we strongly recommend against it. In our experience, very few folks are experienced and trained enough to successfully install a water heater, and even fewer can do it smoothly without excessive time and mistakes. Some people are able to do some basic plumbing fixes themselves, but water heater installation is truly another level up, so we recommend having your water heater installed professionally for a fraction of the time and effort you would need to spend doing it yourself.

Do You Recommend Energy-Efficient, On-Demand Water Heaters?
When it comes to energy-efficient, on-demand water heaters, it really depends on what you as the customer want. These newer devices have cool technology that can help reduce energy usage, making your property more environmentally friendly and potentially saving some money over time.

However, tankless water heaters often cost at least a few thousand dollars to install because they take much longer to install — it may even take longer than you expect to recoup the overall costs of purchasing and installing such a system.

Whatever your choice is, a licensed and experienced plumber like Performance Plumbing can handle the installation with no problem. We especially recommend not trying to install these devices yourself because they often require some combination of gas, electrical and ventilation work to do properly.

Get Help From a Professional
No matter what you decide, we strongly recommend using a professional, fully licensed plumber for your water heater installation. If you still have questions you need answered, or are ready to get a quote, simply give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be happy to assist you with no obligations.