For any property owner in the area looking to spruce things up, it’s not uncommon to decide to start planning your next San Mateo shower installation project. However, it’s important to make sure your San Mateo shower installation is done correctly precisely because so much is on the line in terms of both home value and living enjoyability.

To help ensure your shower installation is a shining success, we’ve put together these 5 ways you can help make it a sure bet.

Research, Research, Research

When it comes to shower installations, you might be surprised by how many people don’t put in the effort to do significant research ahead of time. Far too many people simply wing it by taking a quick look at a few options at the store, and then quickly getting the first person they talk with to perform the installation.

Instead, make sure you do some serious investigating when it comes to your options. Take a look online to see what the latest trends are and to find visual examples of what you like. Checking online can help you quickly go through a much wider range of options that you’d get by visiting a single store or spending a lot of time running around between stores.

That said, remember that availability matters. If you can buy the products online, that may suffice, but if you’re hoping to get things done faster and prefer to see products in the store first-hand, make sure the styles you research online are also available in stores by calling ahead.

Materials Matter

When doing research online and even in stores, many people also overlook the importance of the materials used for the shower parts, focusing far too much on the visual aspect.

Showers are intimate areas of the home, and we often interact with them on a daily basis. Any resident will feel the difference in materials due to the closeness of these interactions.

While surfacing types, tub materials and flooring are all very obvious aspects to consider when it comes to materials, the fixtures and controls matter as well and should not be overlooked.

Consider Professional Advice

By now you’re probably realizing that the options are many when it comes to shower installations. While it’s easy to just jump in and start digging around, you may want professional advice at some point.

For some folks, getting professional advice from the beginning is an important way to save time and energy, but understanding what is professional possible and recommended by experts. For others, professional advice can help be a sounding board and a way to validate or invalidate some ideas or concepts – particularly more experimental ones. In many cases, a professional plumbing expert like our team at Performance Plumbing can also help fill you in on details you didn’t know and didn’t even realize were important to know.

Don’t Stop With Advice – Get Help With the Installation

If you’re thinking about attempting the shower installation on your own or hiring a general freelancer, you may want to take caution as we’ve seen many projects like this result in awkward or dysfunctional installations.

Instead, we recommend using that professional advice phase to test out potential installation candidates who can help you professionally perform the installation.

We highly recommend looking for a team with the same strong qualifications as ours: several years of experience, full license and insurance, and a strong record in customer satisfaction.

Expect a Free Estimate

Whenever you’re ready to get started, make sure you expect a free estimate from whoever you choose to help you with the shower installation. If you do end up choosing our team at Performance Plumbing, we’re always happy to provide a free estimate before any work begins and with no obligation from you. Give us a call or send us an email today and we’ll be happy to help you get started!