Revamping or even incrementally improving your plumbing can make a huge difference in your daily life and the value of your property, which is why so many of our customers come to us asking about how they can get the most value from a Berkeley home improvement plumber. As a leading Berkeley home improvement plumber, we’re always happy to help and have put together these 5 quick tips to help you understand how to make your home improvement plumbing project successful.

As you read on, if you have any questions or need any clarification, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email – our friendly team of professional plumbers is always happy to help!

First, Choose Your Plumber Wisely
Above all else, the most important starting point to ensure your home improvement plumbing project goes successfully is to choose the optimal plumber.

A good place to start is on customer review websites like Yelp, where you’ll be able to ensure the plumber you’re considering has a strong track record. At Performance Plumbing, we’ve got one of the highest overall ratings around and tons of specific positive anecdotes from our supportive customers, so we suggest you have high standards that at least match our own high standards.

In addition, make sure the plumber you’re considering is fully licensed, like our team at Performance Plumbing. A professional license is a clear indication of serious dedication to the profession of plumbing, and a lack of a plumbing license is a red flag that the person isn’t as serious about the craft.

By choosing a strong plumber up front, you’ll be increasing your chances of making sure your home improvement plumbing project is set up for success from the get-go. Remember, your property value is at stake, as well as the quality of your life, so don’t risk it with subpar plumbers or freelancers.

Next, Remember to Describe Your Needs Clearly as the Customer
Another crucial aspect of ensuring your home improvement plumbing needs are met is to describe your needs as clearly as possible as the customer. This may sound obvious, but many people give only general suggestions or change their mind at times.

Be as clear as possible so the plumber knows exactly what you want. Consider putting it in writing, for example in an email to the plumber, so that you both have a record of exactly what your requests are and confirmation that the plumber has read and agreed to fulfilling your needs.

If possible, gather examples of other home improvement plumber work that you like and show the examples to your plumber. Visually showing them may literally help illustrate what you’re looking for. If you have trouble finding examples of what you need, see if they can provide examples that sound like what you need.

Ask for Examples of Past Work
Speaking of examples, ask for examples of past work by the plumber that are similar to the exact job you’re requesting. Chances are if they’ve done the same work or similar work in the past, they’ll be able to successfully perform that work again now.

If the plumber doesn’t have examples right away, don’t rule them out automatically – it doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t get the job done. As long as they can describe in detail how the project should go to be successful, they may still be qualified. Consider exact examples of past projects more like bonus points on their track record.

Get an Estimate Up Front Before Work Starts
A good plumber like Performance Plumbing will give you a free estimate up front before work begins. If the plumber refuses to provide an estimate up front, that’s usually a sign that something strange is going on and you may want to avoid them.

Make Sure You’re Satisfied With the Work
When the plumber says the work is done and ready for your review, look carefully. Make sure you’re completely satisfied with the work. If necessary, you may want to request a guarantee for a duration like 60 days. A good plumber will want to make sure you’re completely happy with the plumbing work, so they should be happy to agree.