If you’re like most of our customers in the area, you’re likely considering either improving your quality of life or property value with a San Jose shower installation project. But before you move forward with your San Jose shower installation, it’s important to do a little homework up front.

To help you better prepare to find the best possible plumber for the job, we’ve put together these 5 tips for finding the perfect plumber for your San Jose shower installation.

Tip 1: Check Review Websites like Yelp

A good starting point when evaluating help for a shower installation is checking review websites like Yelp. A dependable, quality plumber like our team at Performance Plumbing will always have strong overall ratings with supporting customer reviews.

Don’t hire a plumber without first checking their background on Yelp – you may feel silly later if the job doesn’t go well or if you’re not satisfied with the quality. Yelp is also a good place to see if they have sample photos online that can help illustrate their craftsmanship when it comes to more complex projects like shower installation.

Tip 2: Know What You Want

Before you even begin talking to anyone, it can be a good idea to hop online and get a sense of what styles, materials, and features you want. All of these aspects should fit together into a functionally useful but aesthetically pleasing shower installation.

When it comes time to discuss your plans with the plumber you partner with, having examples of what you like can help expedite the ideation process and make sure they visually see what you’ve got in mind. This can help reduce confusion or miscommunications that can cause trouble in complex plumbing projects like shower installations.

Tip 3: Ask if They’ve Done Similar Work Before

Too many people take this for granted, but you should definitely ask if the plumber has done similar shower installations in the past.

First, they should have experience with shower installations as the baseline requirement. Next, it’s great if they also have experience with the same materials and styles you’re asking for. We strongly suggest going with an experienced plumbing team like ours at Performance Plumbing, rather than risk your project to rookies.

Tip 4: Test Their Knowledge

As the customer, it’s fair for you to ask questions to see how much knowledge the plumber can demonstrate. Ask about materials, quality compared to price, and other aspects. While you yourself may not know the answer to all of these questions, you should be able to get a sense of how thoroughly they can explain their thought process when they describe what needs to go into the project in terms of both work and materials.

Tip 5: Get a Free Estimate

At Performance Plumbing, we believe that customers should always get a free estimate up front before any work starts. If you’re ready to get going with your free estimate or just want some questions answered, give us a call or send us an email today and we’ll help you out right away!