Whether you’re looking for help with fixing broken plumbing or need to install new systems or enhancements to your property, it’s crucial to know how to find the best Fremont plumber for your job. To find the best Fremont plumber possible for whatever plumbing project you may have, use the 5 tips below to guide you through the process to ensure you make the correct choice.

Tip 1: Avoid Unqualified Freelancers, Choose a Licensed Plumber
When it comes to fixing or installing plumbing systems, quality can makes a big difference. The last thing you want to do is choose a freelance, unlicensed handyman who doesn’t specialize in plumbing and who may repair or install plumbing improperly. Incorrectly installed or repaired plumbing usually means more headaches and problems in the future, which means you’re going to be picking up the phone calling for help over and over again.

At Performance Plumbing, all of our plumbing experts are fully licensed plumbers and it’s our only focus in our work. Because we’re totally focused on plumbing, you can rest assured that our years of experience in plumbing work mean that we can execute any plumbing job to the fullest competency possible.

Tip 2: Ask if the Plumber has Done Similar Work Before
Check to see if the plumber you’re considering has done work in the past that was similar to what you need now. If you need specific repairs to a specific area like a sprinkler system, make sure they have experience working on sprinkler systems. If you need to install a drainage system with gutters and landscaping considerations, check to make sure they’ve done similar installations in the past. Choosing a plumber who has done a similar project in the past means they’re likely better prepared to meet your needs today.

Tip 3: Check the Plumber’s Record on Yelp
Yelp is an invaluable tool for consumers like you. At Performance Plumbing, we’ve worked hard to make all of course customers as satisfied as possible with our work, and our stellar reputation on Yelp reflects that hard work and dedication to customers like you. Choose a company like Performance Plumbing who clearly values customers — any plumber with too many negative Yelp reviews is simply too likely to treat you poorly or do the work at a lower standard of quality.

Tip 4: Make Sure the Plumber Provides Free Estimates Before Work Starts
Get all the information up front by making sure the plumbers explains all the details to you and gives you an estimate up front before work starts. Sometimes you’ll need to ask for this, but a good plumber won’t usually refuse to provide an estimate. This willingness to provide transparency is a sign the plumber is happy to give their word and stick to it.

Tip 5: Make Sure the Plumber is an Experienced Local Professional
It’s important to make sure the plumber has experience working on local properties because it means they know the region’s weather, typical age of properties, typical construction materials, seismic qualities and other aspects that are common in area homes. Remember that accent isn’t everything — something who has lived in the area for several years but has an accent is still more familiar with local structures than someone who just moved into the area from somewhere like Florida or New York.