It might not be the most glamorous part of your home, but a well-planned Daly City toilet installation project can make a big difference in your daily life. Designing your Daly City toilet installation project smartly is an important part of the process, so our team of plumbing experts has compiled this set of five quick tips to help ensure your project is a success.

Tip 1: Plan Out What You Want

Before you actually get too far with planning, start by figuring out exactly what you want. Actually, many people either have no idea what they want or they think they do, but haven’t fully explored all the options and change their mind later.

Instead, look through some examples of what other people are doing to gain inspiration, and consider as many options as you can. Websites like Pinterest are a great way to visually process a wide range of styles, materials and shapes for toilets.

Everyone has their own preferences, and if this is a facility within your home that you use every day, you might as well spend some time making sure you’ll like it for years to come.

Tip 2: Pick Something Everyone Will Like
While it’s important for you to pick something you like, don’t forget about everyone else! If you share your home with other family members, roommates, or even when you’re hosting guests, you should make sure they’re comfortable with the toilet as well.

Tip 3: Team Up With the Right Pro
At Performance Plumbing, we strongly recommend you find a reliable plumbing expert to partner with, not simply because we’re a plumbing team that regularly handles toilet installations.

We actually recommend that you use a professionally primarily to protect your investment, as toilet installations often represent a fair amount of money to spend for the average person.

Doing it yourself or hiring a freelancer from Craigslist might sound like a savvy move that will save on costs, but substandard craftsmanship can really harm the functionality and feel of a toilet installation.

In addition, choosing a professional team of plumbers like ours at Performance Plumbing means you can rest assured knowing you’re getting held from a fully licensed professional who also has insurance to back you up in case any unforeseen issues occur with plumbing during the project. Unlicensed plumbers usually cannot offer the same protection.

Tip 4: Consider Property Value Impact
Every major change that you make to your home can affect the value of your property, and a toilet installation is no exception to this rule.

If you have a toilet installation that’s a little too weird or too custom, others may be put off by it, decreasing their excitement to buy the property. Even if you’re not planning to sell the property any time soon, it’s still good to think long-term in case the day does come.

If you have multiple toilet locations in your home, you may even want to see if the plumber can do multiple toilet installations for a bulk rate.

Tip 5: Ask for a Free Estimate
Once you’ve narrowed down the plumber you want to work with, make sure they can provide a free estimate of the time and costs that will be involved.

Our team at Performance Plumbing is always happy to provide a free estimate up front, so don’t hesitate to call us or send us a quick email if you’re ready to get started or if you simply need more information.