To help our neighbors prevent big problems with their plumbing, we’ve prepared 10 tips for sewer maintenance San Francisco residents can use for their homes. Our hope is that by using these tips for sewer maintenance, San Francisco households can avoid the major headaches that come with plumbing complications.

If you find these tips helpful, be sure to share them with your friends and family via email or social media so everyone can benefit from this invaluable information.

Tip 1: Never Pour Grease Down the Drain
Remember never to pour cooking grease down the drain, as it can clog your pipes the same way it can clog your arteries. In fact, grease is generally the most frequent cause of sewer problems, as it clogs pipes when it cools down, congeals and hardens. This buildup inevitably leads to backups and overflows. Try pouring the grease into a can or trash for future disposal via your municipal trash pickups.

Tip 2: Be Careful About Where You Plant
Sometimes it’s difficult to control where plants pop up or already exist, but if you’re planning to add new plants to your home’s premises, try to avoid placing shrubs or trees on top of sewer lines. In addition to grease, roots are one of the most common causes of plumbing problems. It might seem like an inconvenience, but when pipes crack, tree and shrub roots can invade and thrive in the pipes, feeding off the sewage and growing until the fill the pipe and clog it. Taking a smart approach to planting trees and shrubs might take a little effort in the short term, but it can really help avoid huge costs later like having to dig up the piping and replace it.

Tip 3: Keep an Eye on What Goes Down the Drain
Keep in mind that sewer lines are designed for disposing of toilet paper, human waste and waste water. Because sewer lines were designed with these functions in mind, things like diapers, thick paper towels, paper wrapping, etc., should all be disposed of via your normal garbage process. Oftentimes, even if the packaging says the materials are safe to flush, they may actually still cause problems later on.

Tip 4: Your Garbage Disposal is Not Invincible
Grind only feed items that your garbage disposal can handle. Usually it’s best to avoid onion peels, corn husks, celery, artichokes, and other tough, fibrous materials that can plug things up in the piping. Running hot water before and after you use the disposal can also help keep things clearer, particularly with fatty substances. You can also try the “purging” technique, which involves filling the sink with water and then unplugging the drain, which can help flush debris from the pipes.

By following these four simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to safeguarding your pipelines with the best practices for sewer maintenance at your residence. These basic guidelines can help you avoid extensive future costs and headaches, so we strongly recommend you print them out and keep them handy in your home so everyone in the household remembers how to protect your home from plumbing problems. If you do happen to run into problems still, remember you can always reach out to us at Performance Plumbing for help!