When it comes to knowing the ins and outs of a successful Palo Alto toilet installation, most people don’t have the time to become experts in the finer aspects of toilet facilities. Since our team is one of the best options around for high quality Palo Alto toilet installation services, we’ve put together these 5 simple tips based on our years of professional experience to help you ensure your project is a success.

Pro Tip 1: Avoid DIY

For many folks starting off a home improvement project, it’s tempting to start thinking about how a do-it-yourself approach could potentially save on costs. However, DIY isn’t always as good of an option as it sounds, especially when it comes to plumbing projects like toilet installations.
Most people are not well-versed in plumbing, and plumbing projects are among the home improvement projects that can cause the most damage if handled incorrectly due to the potential for water damage.

Finally, if anything goes wrong during a DIY project or if you need to spend a lot of time researching how to complete it correctly, you’re likely to spend more time and resources than originally expected which can make the project no longer cost effective.

Therefore, we strongly recommending avoiding the DIY route to ensure your toilet installation gets done correctly, on budget and on time. For most people in Palo Alto, it probably isn’t worth attempting yourself.

Pro Tip 2: Look for a History of Customer Success

When searching for a high-quality professional to complete your toilet installation for you, be sure to do a little quick research on their background.

At Performance Plumbing, we pride ourselves on having a strong track record of customer success, with a high overall rating on Yelp and strong supporting comments from our happy customers.
Don’t settle for anything less ‒ avoid plumbers who have too many negative comments or simply not enough of a track record to review.

Pro Tip 3: Look for a License and Insurance

One of the basics you should always check for when working with a professional plumber is to look for a professional license and insurance.

This is important because as we mentioned earlier, plumbing projects require dedicated knowledge of the profession and insurance to protect both the customer and the professional should any unplanned problems arise.

Choosing a plumber without a license or insurance mostly likely will just open you up to more risk than is necessary.

Pro Tip 4: Look for Relevant Experience

Don’t choose just any professionally qualified plumber with a strong rating online, make sure they also have experience that is relevant to your specific project.

Since you’re aiming to complete a toilet installation, make sure the plumber you’re considering has experience with toilet installations specifically. They should be able to explain all the steps that will be required, as well as labor, parts and time needed for completion.

Pro Tip 5: Get a Free Quote

No matter who you choose to help you with your toilet installation project, you should expect to get a free quote.

At Performance Plumbing, we’re always happy to provide a free estimate before any agreements are made, so give us a call or send us an email today if you’re ready to get started with your toilet installation project.