Pre-Purchase, Home Plumbing Inspections

Acquiring pre-purchase home plumbing inspections often means the difference between happiness and grief later on after the home has already been bought. Plumbing problems are some of the hardest to identify and the easiest to hide. Pre-purchase home plumbing inspections flush out the truth about the state of a building’s hidden plumbing systems, leading to smart investment decisions on the part of the potential owner.

Many are surprised to learn that home inspections rarely cover drainage and plumbing simply due to lack of time and accessibility. It’s easy to sell a home with sewer and plumbing problems because these issues won’t be apparent until long after the sale is final. Pre-purchase home plumbing inspections are the answer to this problem.

Pre-purchase home plumbing inspections are state of the art and provide the potential owner with an actual DVD containing footage of the sewer pipes which is very handy when negotiating with the other party regarding the value of the home. Stormwater DVDs are also provided as well.

During pre-purchase home plumbing inspections downpipes and gutters are checked, water pressure is measured, taps are inspected, vents are checked, tubs and sinks are tested, toilets are checked, drainage is inspected and the hot water heater is checked. At the end of pre-purchase home plumbing inspections the individual is given all the information needed about the home to make an informed decision.

Of all the expenses in life, homes are one of the largest. Pre-purchase home plumbing inspections are a common sense choice that are worth every penny for the potential problems that are avoided by having such thorough pre-purchase home plumbing inspections completed.

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