Atherton homeowners care about the comfort and value of their property, which is why so many local residents want to ensure they get the highest quality results possible when planning an Atherton toilet installation project. We understand that you expect only the best results from your Atherton toilet installation project, and to help you achieve success in your endeavor, our team has created this quick guide to help you ensure your project meets your every expectation.

Finding the right expert is paramount
Homeowners in Atherton expect high-quality results from their toilet installations, so most homeowners in the area realize it’s best to avoid DIY and ensure that they choose the right professional to work with.

When it comes to choosing a professional to help you with your toilet installation, we recommend that you choose a home improvement plumbing team that has done similar installations in the past, like our team at Performance Plumbing.

To make sure the home improvement plumber is a high-quality choice, checking to make sure they are professionally licensed and insured should be a basic requirement.

Next, it’s important to look up their track record on customer review platforms like Yelp, and ensure they have a long history of positive reviews and a strong overall rating. Our team at Performance Plumbing has worked hard to establish our outstanding reputation, so we think you should avoid any team that has a lower customer rating.

Knowing what you want is helpful for defining success
If you’re like most homeowners in Atherton, you probably already have an idea of what you want in general, but you may not have considered all of your options.

If you haven’t yet checked out visually-driven social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, you may want to take a moment to check out some galleries and popular hashtags related to home improvement toilet installations to get some visual inspiration – you may find some options you haven’t considered before.

Additionally, you’re always welcome to get in touch with our friendly team via phone or email and we can help talk through your case and customize a toilet installation plan that fits your needs. We can also show you past installations we’ve done in the past, and photos of examples for you to consider.

Defining constraints up front will help you find the best fit
After getting a sense of what toilet styles you like, it’s best to pair this information with the constraints you’ll need to work with. Most people don’t like hearing about restraints because it sounds like a negative concept, but in reality it’s best to think about possible constraints ahead of time to make sure you don’t run into problems with your plan half way through your project.

When we talk about constraints, we’re talking about things like how much space you have to work with. For example, it’s important to make sure you don’t choose a very large toilet to install into a very small space. It’s important that the people who end up using the toilet can do so comfortably, with enough legroom and armroom, and without the toilet bumping up against opening doors or cabinets.

Planning around people ensures a happy result
Speaking of the people who will use the toilet, the users of your toilet are actually the most important part of the project at the end of the day.

Make sure you pick a toilet size and style that is comfortable for the people who will use the toilet most frequently. Smaller folks tend to like a smaller seat, while larger folks tend to prefer a larger seat. Shape preference can depend on gender.

If you’re unsure who will be using the toilet regularly, or it could be a mixture of a variety of types of users, you can go ahead and choose a more universal design if you want to keep as many people happy as possible.

Start sooner rather than later
When planning your Atherton toilet installation project, it’s better to start sooner rather than later. If you’re ready to take a step forward and get started, get in touch with us by phone or email and we’ll get your project headed in the right direction right away!